How Digital Marketing Will Change in 2019

How digital marketing will change in 2019 and what you need to do to strive and succeed in 2019. So, let’s talk about digital marketing. Digital Marketing is going to change in 2019. What’s been working for the last few years is not anymore. These 7 digital marketing tips will ensure you’re on top of your game next year!

 Tip #1. Omnichannel

Approach Digital Marketing is moving into Omnichannel approach and if you don’t use all of the channels, you’re not going to do as well

Tip #2. Voice Search

If you want to do well in 2019, you need to be leveraging the voice search.

Tip #3. Conversion Optimization

The only way you’re going to stay ahead and compete is through conversion optimization. The more you optimize your landing page, the better off you’re going to be.

Tip #4. Leverage Funnels

Whether you have a physical product, digital product or you’re doing lead generation, you need to track everything from a visitor all the way to a conversion point.

Tip #5. Content Marketing

Content marketing won’t work as easily to get links or shares unless you’re creating amazing content that people haven’t seen before.

Tip #6. Video Content

Video content is the future. People want to engage through video, so you need to leverage video in 2019.

Tip #7. Podcasting

Podcasting is taking over. Podcasting is making it easy for people to listen to your content on the go, on their mobile devices. 

When is the Right Time to go Digital?

The digital world is constantly evolving. The growth of technology and devices along with the advent of mobile phones and social media has totally reshaped the lives of people. Technology is present in all spheres of people’s lives- information, shopping, banking, communication, the list is endless. Thanks to technology, the world has become a smaller and a more accessible place.

Due to this evolution, the nature of customers has also changed. Modern age customers are very active on various channels of digital media, they behave and interact with brands differently. They experience a choice overload, have more demands, and are intolerable towards bad experiences. The customers research thoroughly throughout their buying process before making a purchase decision. They are specific about their needs and purchase only those products and services that suit the criteria set in their minds.

Small businesses have not yet taken the leap towards going digital; while the large businesses have already embraced the digital world with open arms. There is about 68per cent of small businesses in India that is still offline. This customer transformation, for small businesses, is a form of both threat and opportunity. The small businesses that have not gone online yet may already be behind the curve. So, going online is no longer an option, it has become a necessity for businesses.

There are multiple advantages of indulging into the World Wide Web over the traditional medium. The success that one attains via this medium is undeniable. Digital marketing is the use of online media to promote businesses.


When is the Right Time?

  • To Engage With Your Customers

In today’s technologically advanced world, all of us use various devices to access the internet. Just like you, your customers also use the internet. In India, alone, there are a whopping 136 million internet users. That is the number of people who will see an advertisement if a business chooses to go digital. Not only, will they know about the brand but, they can interact with the business instantly. About 88per cent of consumers said that they are more likely to buy from retailers that offer. It enables the business to receive instant feedback. Simultaneously, if the customers face problems or are unhappy with their product or services, they directly communicate with the business. This allows businesses to understand the customers’ issues and resolve them quickly. It improves customer loyalty and maintains a positive reputation of the business

A good customer experience is about giving the customers what they want when they want.

Digital technologies also enable businesses to understand their customers, online behaviour, past interactions, and preferences better. For small businesses, it becomes a useful resource as personalized and relevant experiences can be delivered to different customers.

  • For Brand Awareness

The market, in today’s times, has become a highly competitive place. Hence, it becomes critical for a business to keep up with the competition. This makes it mandatory for the business to have a strong online presence. If a business is not online, it is accessible only for a limited period of time every day. This also limits the group of customers the business interacts within a day.

This is where the online picture comes in handy. By creating a website, the business becomes always accessible to its potential customers. It becomes easier for them to find the business’ information, products, and services. This establishes a reputation for the business and makes them trusted and credible. The digital social media channels can be leveraged to get the word out. They can also be used to carry out marketing campaigns to attract potential customers from the places that they are usually active, from websites they visit and the apps used by them daily. The internet can work for the business, while the owners can focus on the business and its growth.

  • For Feasibility

Building a brand, carrying out marketing campaigns and looking for potential customers- all these could come at a heavy cost. Internet marketing is a more feasible option when compared to traditional marketing techniques. Placing an ad in a national newspaper could eat up the entire marketing budget of a firm. If Internet marketing is opted for, the mini level of funds is required. Also, it reaches an unlimited number of potential customers. It is a major reason why firms regardless of their scale of operation are opting for Digital Marketing over the traditional marketing approach. It also gives the small size companies a level playing field and a platform to increase awareness for their brand to be known to potential as well as current customers.

If the business has a good brand image on the internet, the audience for its products become massive. Digital marketing offers a huge number of potential clients and with a defined strategy, they can easily be roped in.

  • Expand to new geographies

Thanks to the digital channels available, businesses can now spread out to new geographies. It enables them to deliver their products and services to more customers. India has seen a massive growth in the adoption of digital from Tier II and Tier III markets. These are places where the customers had never before been exposed to the same number of products and services, like their counterparts of Tier 1 cities. It is a wonderful opportunity for businesses to cater to a newly thriving consumer sector.

It also gives companies the opportunity of targeted marketing, in which the ad reaches the exact type of audience and also, makes it visible to others. With the advent of digital marketing, one can choose the age, likes, and dislikes of the individuals, including their lifestyles and many more specifics of the audience that they wish cater to.

When it comes to leveraging digital space for businesses, nothing matters. The customers are already a part of the internet and it is time for the businesses to join in!
