Top 10 Types of Digital Marketing to Promote a Business Online

As people spend more and more time in front of screens, digital marketing has become the most important tool to reach customers in an effective way. Digital marketing targets users of all kinds of electronic devices from desktop computers to smartphones. To successfully promote a business online and engage an audience, you need to make use of various types of digital marketing.

These days, merely having a website is not enough anymore if you want to get qualified leads. You also need to be visible on as many types of digital marketing platforms as possible, from search engines to social media sites and smartphones. To build a successful online business and stand out from the crowd, you need a complex digital strategy based on a thorough market study, in-depth business analysis, and constant feedback.

Top 10 Types of Digital Marketing

Ideally, you should use a mix of different types of digital marketing in order to reach your audience through various channels. In this article, we have collected the most frequent types of digital marketing of our times that can help you achieve the highest success rate. They are as follows:
  1. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  2. Search engine marketing (SEM)
  3. Social media marketing (SMM)
  4. Content marketing
  5. Email marketing
  6. Online advertising
  7. Landing page marketing
  8. Smartphone marketing
  9. Affiliate marketing
  10. Viral marketing
1. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search engine optimization (SEO) is probably the first thing that comes to mind when people think about different types of digital marketing. Online businesses basically live at the mercy of Google, Bing, Yahoo, and other search engines. If you are doing SEO right you can attract significant organic traffic to a website. The goal of SEO is to optimize content in a way that makes it appear among the first results on a search engine results page (SERP).

There are several methods you can use to rank high on a SERP, such as building a mix of inbound and outbound links or optimizing the content for specific keywords. Probably the hardest thing about SEO is to constantly follow the changes of search engine algorithms and update your strategy and methods accordingly. SEO is essential for any website, as these days every business optimizes their content for search engines. Therefore without SEO, it’s basically impossible to stay competitive in a market.

2. Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

SEO is not the only way to increase incoming traffic from search engines. Search engine marketing (SEM) makes it possible to advertise a product in search engines and make it appear among paid search results. Search engines usually display paid results above organic results on SERPs. They almost look the same as organic results with only small differences in appearance, for instance, Google shows a small “Ad” label next to the related URL. On the screenshot below, you can see the paid search results for the “web hosting” search query:

The most frequently used paid search services are Google AdWords and Bing Ads. They allow you to buy ad space based on target keywords, location, viewer demographics, and other data. Actually, search engine marketing is a pretty effective method, as search engines only show your ad to the audience you want to target. In most cases, you need to pay for SEM results according to the pay-per-click (PPC) advertising model, meaning you are only charged when someone clicks your ad.

3. Social Media Marketing (SMM)

Without a doubt, social media is the queen of 21st-century digital content. Therefore, it’s also one of the most important types of digital marketing you need to focus on—especially if you want to promote a B2C business. Social media is not simply a marketing channel but also a way for people to keep in touch with their friends and family, get the latest news, or follow topics they are interested in. There are a plethora of social media platforms you can choose from, such as Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram, and many others. You need to find the ones that are relevant to the niche you target and promote the business there.

Sharing quality content on social media sites is an excellent way to engage viewers and position a brand as an authority in a specific niche. It’s also important to place social sharing buttons below each blog post and content page so that visitors can share it across their network. In addition, every social media platform offers different solutions for organic and paid advertising. Paid Twitter and Facebook ads, hashtag campaigns, and influencer marketing are among the most popular methods of social media marketing.

4. Content Marketing

Content marketing is another type of digital marketing you can use to promote a business online. In fact, content marketing is an indirect way of marketing, as you publish content that the audience finds naturally while browsing the web. The main goal of content marketing is to make viewers interact with the content by reading, sharing, and commenting on it. You can use it together with other types of digital marketing such as SEO or SEM as well. For instance, you can build the content around targeted keywords in order to achieve an optimal result.

High-quality content also allows you to persuade an audience about the expertise of a business in a certain niche. Gaining the trust of customers is one of the most important long-term goals of digital marketing. You can publish shareable content either in the form of blog posts, white papers, reports, or webinars or by guest blogging in popular publications in the same niche.

5. Email Marketing

Email marketing is a different kind of engagement, as you connect with customers within their own mailboxes. Although email marketing is one of the oldest types of digital marketing, it’s still very successful. It’s an excellent way to increase brand loyalty and upsell to existing customers. According to the Radicati market research group’s latest email statistics report (2017-2021), the number of emails sent and received per day by businesses is still growing, at an average rate of 4.4%.

There are many different ways you can reach out to customers through email marketing. Besides creating newsletter campaigns, you can send them confirmation emails, thank-you emails, and email notifications about product updates. If you promote a local business, event invitations are also an excellent way to engage the local audience. These days there are many awesome tools you can use to run professional email campaigns, from marketing automation platforms such as MailChimp to newsletter plugins for popular content management platforms like WordPress.

6. Online Advertising

Digital marketers have been using online advertising since the first days of the web. Displaying banners or ads on other websites belonging to the same niche is the most common form of online advertising. You can use online platforms such as Google AdSense that allows you to automatically serve ads on other content sites. Ad networks usually let you configure the parameters of the sites your ads appear on based on keyword, location, audience demographics, and other data.

Bigger online magazines frequently have their own advertising departments as well. Therefore, it can also be a good solution to contact them and buy an ad space on their website. Some niche magazines, such as A List Apart web design magazine, also have sponsorship programs that allow you to feature a brand, logo, and other visuals on their platform for a certain period of time (usually a week).

7. Landing Page Marketing

Targeted landing pages can work excellently with other types of digital marketing and increase conversion rates significantly. In the broader sense, a landing page is any web page on which visitors first land when they arrive at a website. In this sense, homepages frequently function as landing pages as well. However, many brands create specific landing pages for their marketing campaigns, too.

Digital marketers link landing pages to ads displayed as banners on other websites or appearing on search engine result pages. Thus, when users click an ad they are directed right to the landing page designed for the specific marketing campaign. There are several tricks you can use to create a converting landing page such as eye-catching headlines, a clean and mobile-friendly design, and highly visible call-to-action buttons. Below, you can see the landing page of the Slack messaging app on which you can see all the necessary elements of a well-performing landing page:

8. Smartphone Marketing

People use their smartphones all the time, therefore these days smartphone marketing is also among the most important types of digital marketing. This is especially true if your target audience is the younger generation. In fact, you have many options to reach your prospects through their smartphones. According to the recent report of the Esendex business communication provider, text messages have had a 94 percent global average open rate in 2018. As a result, smartphone marketing is an incredible opportunity to promote a business online.

Besides sending text messages to subscribers, you can further engage an audience by providing them with free mobile apps for Android and iOS devices. Your app can also perform specific actions that increase visibility. For instance, it can send users real-time push notifications that appear on their smartphones when new content is available on the website. Popular messaging platforms such as Messenger and Telegram also allow you to create marketing bots with which you can acquire new customers in a human-centered way.

9. Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing makes it possible to reduce your marketing workload by outsourcing it to external service providers. With affiliate marketing, you only pay for conversions, after your affiliate closed a deal and the customer purchased the product. Affiliate marketers do all the related marketing activities from banner placements to landing pages. Probably the best thing about affiliate marketing is that it has no upfront cost and you can decide on the terms and rates you pay to the affiliates.

Probably the most notable online affiliate program is Amazon Associates that lets anyone promote Amazon’s products and earn a commission after closed deals. Smaller businesses can also make use of affiliate programs—it’s an especially popular type of digital marketing in the tech sector. However, you should only start an affiliate program if you have the means to properly monitor and educate the affiliates.

10. Viral Marketing

Viral marketing makes use of all types of digital marketing mentioned in this article. The essence of viral marketing is to create a post, video, meme, or another short-form content type that spreads across the web like a virus. To make a successful viral marketing campaign, you need to promote the same content across multiple channels such as Twitter, Youtube,  blog posts, newsletters over a short period of time.

Wrapping Up

To reach the best business results, you need to decide which types of digital marketing you want to use. There are some types you should use anyway such as search engine optimization and social media marketing, while others depend on the industry. When you plan the types of digital marketing you will use don’t only think about software but also hardware. If the target audience uses a certain type of device you need a presence on that kind of device as well. Also gather as much feedback from existing customers as you can, as there’s no better way to build trust and engage them on a personal level.

20 Places You Should Be Sharing Your Content

Writing and publishing blog posts or articles on your own website isn’t good enough.

Your website is just one place people might discover your content.

Content is everywhere today. It’s insanely competitive.

Did you know more than 3 million blog posts are published daily?

If you’re going to gain any real traction, you need to look beyond publishing content on your website.

In addition to mainstream outlets like Medium, sharing your content on industry or niche platforms can also help it get seen by more people.

Think of sharing your content on other outlets like a megaphone: the more places you promote it, the wider the message will spread.

Ready to amplify your content and grow your website traffic and conversions?

Here are 20 places you should be sharing your content, from the mainstream to the niche.

1. Medium

Medium allows you to republish your existing blog posts (if you use their import feature, they even add a rel=canonical link), but you can also use this platform as a way to increase traffic to the full blog posts on your site.

2. Reddit

Reddit can be a worthwhile platform to consider for sharing content, but it needs to be done the right way.

Redditors are very conscious of brands attempting to “spam” subreddits with their own content, so this is usually best left to a few employees with active Reddit accounts who may occasionally share company blog posts once or twice a month.

These articles should be carefully chosen and provide real value to the users. It’s also possible for Redditors to view other users’ activity, so make sure that employees are using their Reddit accounts for more than just posting company blog posts.

Otherwise, they’ll be pretty easily found out and your company may get called out, which is never good on such an active platform.

3. LinkedIn Articles

Like Medium, LinkedIn allows you to syndicate blog posts on your personal LinkedIn profile as LinkedIn articles.

Although these articles currently don’t automatically add rel=canonical links, research has shown that Google isn’t flagging these as duplicate content (even though they show up on duplicate content search sites like Copyscape).

Because of their existing network on LinkedIn, many users have built up a strong subscriber base for their articles on the platform. Users can choose to subscribe to users’ posts, meaning they will get a notification every time that user publishes something new.

This built-in alert system is a definite advantage over other platforms, especially since your blog readers don’t get alerts like that unless they subscribe to email notifications, which is a lot bigger commitment than checking a box to receive an in-platform notification on LinkedIn.

4. Email

Promoting your content through email is an “oldie but goodie” tactic that still pulls major weight.

In addition to being much more loyal to your brand, email subscribers are 3x more likely to share your content via social media than visitors from other sources, according to Campaign Monitor.

Email clicks are also usually higher than the CTR on social media posts as well — Campaign Monitor also found that you are 6x more likely to get a click from an email than from a sent tweet.

The way you share your content on social media highly depends on what works best for your schedule and your users. It’s worthwhile to experiment to see what gets the most clicks.

Some companies or writers prefer to send out a new email every time a new post is published (which is usually automated in some way using an RSS feed and a service like Zapier or IFTTT), while others wait until the end of the week or month to send a newsletter of updates and the latest published posts.

The platforms above are the most useful for driving traffic. However, there are plenty of other platforms to consider based on the topic and format of your content.

5. DesignFloat

An online discussion board for designers to share articles, element ideas, and more.


This is a slightly different format, but users can up- or down-vote content about WordPress.

7. Dzone

This discussion board has over 1 million developers who share content and links on coding, cloud computing, and more.

8. Twitter Brand Accounts

If your article makes sense for your brand, consider adding your article to your sharing list for your brand accounts. You can even schedule the article to be posted several times over a few months.

9. Twitter Personal Accounts

Twitter moves fast, so it makes sense to share your article, along with a great quote, in a few places on Twitter. It is in your best interests to spread the shares out a bit so you don’t overwhelm your audience.

10. Twitter Chats

For a more targeted audience, look for industry-related Twitter chats and use their hashtags when sharing really high-quality content.

Use it sparingly: don’t spam the chat hashtag with every piece of content you write. But it’s fairly common to see popular marketing hashtags like #seochat and #twittersmarter active even when the regular Twitter chats aren’t going on.

11. Personal Page on Facebook

This one seems obvious, but it is a place many people forget.

If you are concerned about spamming your family or friends who aren’t in the industry, consider creating a Facebook list for work folks. This way you don’t have to worry about confusing your Great Aunt Gertrude with a step by step guide to PPC.

12. Brand Facebook Page

Another sort of obvious one, but it shouldn’t be overlooked.

Grab a good quote from your content, make sure your image displays correctly and send it out – assuming it is relevant to your audience.

13. Facebook Groups

Facebook groups are still alive and well! Because many users are already using Facebook on their personal time, they are usually more active in groups.

Join a few industry-related groups and share your best content once a month, while also contributing to the group when possible.

Be sure to stay active as a member of the chat or group by answering questions, reading others’ content, and contributing genuinely to the group.

14. SlideShare

Creating really good content takes time.

One way to get the most mileage out of your content is by taking highlights and turning it into a presentation for SlideShare.

Just changing the format you present your content in can help reach a wider audience.

15. LinkedIn Groups

If you are active on Linkedin, consider sharing your content in related LinkedIn Groups.

Be sure to check the group’s policies on sharing first and make sure you are engaging with members outside of sharing your content.

16. Your Pinterest Account

Create a nice header image (like the one on this article) and share on the visually-driven link sharing platform.

17. Shared Pinterest Boards

Another simple way to drive traffic is by creating a shared Pinterest board and allowing other people to add their own content about a topic.

These boards tend to get more traffic.

18. Instagram

To drive content from Instagram, add a portion of your content in the caption and add the link to the content to your bio.

19. Instagram Stories

Instagram Stories only last 24 hours, but allow you to share links more easily.

20. YouTube

Record a video of a team member discussing the key points in your content.