How SEO can take your company to the top

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital in increasing activity and traffic of visitors to your website from search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, MSN, and so on. User behavior indicates that the higher your ranks on these search engines, the more traffic your website will have. SEO is a well-known marketing technique used widely by digital marketing professionals as part of a renewed commitment to develop solid web infrastructure and to make web searches more user-friendly.

Search Engine Optimization has multiple benefits that directly correlate with the growth of business and client inquiries for prospective leads. The past decade has seen a steady rise in the importance and benefit of employing SEO web techniques as part of a solid marketing plan for most companies. Like all strategies used in the growth of companies, SEO helps build brand value, brand recognition gives a higher Return on Investment (ROI), adds credibility to the company, and helps drive higher revenues.

Let us see how SEO can take your company to greater heights.

  • Return on Investment (ROI)

Comprehensive analytics help track every stage and step of the SEO process. With quantifiable results like rankings, traffic driven to the website, and conversion ratios of prospects to customers/ clients, SEO helps analyze and break down marketing strategies into the smallest aspect. Obtaining demographic information, keyword strengths, most read/ viewed content, and so on becomes a lot easier with tracking done through SEO.

All this can be done irrespective of whether the website is an e-Commerce site or a non-eCommerce site. E-commerce sites are able to better track their ROI by paths taken by customers to complete the sale, which website they were initially directed from, and which keywords were used to get to the website. Non e-Commerce sites can track their ROI by the contact us pages on websites and inquiries received from the site to either buy/ complete a sale/ or make a booking.

  • Increase in Web Traffic

Top ranks or positions on search engines are the spots that almost all companies covet. The reason for this is that websites that are featured higher on search engines always generate higher web traffic than those that feature lower or on secondary and tertiary pages. These top positions on search engines can significantly influence the amount of online business that you may achieve.

SEO can put the focus on keywords, tags, and meta-data that is extremely useful to raise the rank of your website. Optimizing the tags and keywords through SEO helps in increases clicks/ hits that directly correlate to convert leads to sales. SEO drives only relevant traffic to your website from people who search or look for the products or services that your company has to offer.

  • Cost Effective

SEO is cheaper than print or media advertising. It doesn’t take a huge chunk out of the marketing and advertising budget since all marketing is done only digitally. Print media in newspapers, hoardings, and buses takes a lot of money and puts a hole in the marketing budget.

Another reason why SEO is extremely cost-effective is that it only targets those customers who are actively searching for your services or products. It helps eliminate the need to be visible to everyone thereby considerably reducing your costs. Since SEO is an inbound digital marketing strategy that helps attract new and returning customers, it helps save money in the long term on outbound strategies like cold callings and follow-ups.

  • Increasing Brand Awareness

SEO helps garner a lot of traffic to your website thereby creating awareness of the brand. Your website gets a lot more attention as soon as it is amongst the top positions on popular search engines. This increases the brand image and awareness and also instills trust in customers. It is widely believed that websites that rank higher than others are viewed more often and help spread brand recall.

Another plus point is that SEO optimized websites seem to be more trustworthy than others since the content viewed is more widely recognized by multiple customers. Viewing higher quality of SEO content helps customers and clients associated with your brand more than those sites that don’t employ SEO.

SEO helps generate relevant traffic to your website. You can also gain more insight into your customers’ preferences, their behaviors, patterns, demographics, search criteria, keyword searches, and so on. All this data can be used to strategically position your company or business to gain higher ground and take it to the top.
