7 Social Media Power Tips to Build Your Brand and Business

1.  Up-To-Date Social Sites

Make sure the information on your website and social media platforms (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest) are up-to-date, accurate and attractive. Make sure your logo and background image are sharp, professional, and consistent across all platforms.

2.  Make Quality Posts Every Day

Post at least once per day on each platform. Hire someone to do it for you, if you can’t manage it yourself. This will help build followers; the most common way to lose them is through a lack of regular content. Furthermore, your posts should be interesting and valuable to your customers. Posting a sale special will get you only 10% of the views that something informative or humorous would. Customers will keep coming back if there is something there for them.

3.  Follow Your Competition

This works best on Twitter and Instagram. Not only should you follow their accounts, but you should also follow their followers – as many of them will follow you back!

4.  Always Answer Your Customers

Only a few hours should lapse before every customer is responded to – without exception. If the discussion needs to be private, post something like “Private Message Sent” or “Call/email me at…” All complaints should be addressed, and a “thank you” sent for every compliment. Interacting with customers on social media, deepens your relationship with them and they never forget you. Many customers will re-post and tell others – so make sure your conversations end well – all comments, both good and bad, last forever on the Internet.

5.  Show Your Face on Facebook

Make comments on your company’s Facebook page through your personal account. Customers love to see a top executive give some inside ball. It attracts them to you and your company and demonstrates a level of authentic leadership.

6.  Don’t Forget LinkedIn 

Connect with your customers on LinkedIn. This personal connection makes the customers feel that you care about them, and they are more than just revenue to you.

7.  Email Weekly

Email is still the most effective method of reaching customers. Collect email addresses from every customer who contacts your company and email them creative and informative content. Emails should be less than 25% sales related, or folks will unsubscribe. You want customers to look forward to seeing your content.

Please share your best tips in the comment section below!

7 Worthless Off Page SEO Tactics to Avoid

Ask anyone about SEO and they will tell you that it’s still relevant today. But Google has changed the playing field and what was acceptable before is now way out of line. You have to make sure that you aren’t inadvertently doing anything wrong. This guide is going to introduce you to seven off page SEO techniques you should avoid, either because they are irrelevant or are black hat.

1. Forum Marketing

Forum marketing is not black hat as such. It’s the act of answering questions on various forums. You are trawling everything to find areas where you can mention your brand. This is just time-consuming and completely unnecessary. You are better off spending your time on more important areas of your business because the SEO value is tiny.

2. Search Engine Submission

Submitting your website to search engines used to be a common way of making sure that Google and Bing indexed your site. Again, this is another wasteful technique because the search engines are more sophisticated than ever before. They index websites instantly.

3. Article Directories

Producing content for article directories used to be the most common way of content marketing. But the vast majority of people don’t actually read these websites. The likes of Ezine are nearly dead because they are so full of pointless articles stuffed with nonsense.

During Google Panda, these were the first websites to suffer from severe losses in traffic.

4. Website Directories

Website directories were a great idea to start with, but today it’s clear that website directories serve no real purpose. They are only lists of websites that nobody actually goes to. What’s the point of searching for a website in a directory when Google can do the same job faster?

Someone may submit your website on your behalf, but it’s hardly necessary and it won’t offer any real benefits.

5. Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking websites like Reddit, Digg, and StumbleUpon can be good if you go viral, but the chances of going viral are slim. Furthermore, they are updated extremely quickly, so if you post something then it could be gone by the time you return the next day.

6. Linking on Other Blogs

Some websites used to produce comments for blogs. These comments rarely added anything to the conversation. Instead, they were there to add links to the commenter’s website. When link building was huge, this was an effective way of driving traffic to your website.

But today that has all changed and it’s no longer an effective method of driving traffic. Plus most websites ban links to external websites in the comments anyway.

7. Mass Social Media Production

You may think that it’s a good idea to be on as many social media channels as possible, but that’s not the case. On the contrary, it’s one of the worst things you can do because you are stretching your resources thin. A lot of social media networks aren’t relevant to your business. You need to be on the networks that are relevant to you and nowhere else.

It’s best to be on just a selected number of social media networks, so you can concentrate just on those audiences. It will ultimately lead to a better outcome in the long-term.


These seven off page SEO techniques are both outdated and ineffective. If you want to succeed in getting your website up the search rankings, you need to act in the right way. Stay away from these seven options to ensure that you are going to get the most from your efforts.

Kindly share best Off Page SEO techniques.

Content Source: huffingtonpost.com