6 Changes Your 2015 SEO Strategy Must Focus On

Businesses will always crave organic search traffic, and search-engine optimization is the vehicle to drive that highly coveted traffic. What are some SEO changes that you foresee in 2015?

Let’s look at six of them right now:

1. Create and optimize for mobile traffic
2. Optimizing for Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo
3. Switch your focus from keyword rankings to ROI metrics
4. More focused social-media approach
5. Earning links rather than building links
6. Targeting more precise keywords and search phrases

Source: entrepreneur.com

How Social Media Changed SEO And Why Your Business Can’t Thrive Without It

Many people ask the question, “Is social media necessary to get good search engine rankings?”

In my opinion, they are starting with the wrong question. I think the die has already been cast on the importance of social media and whether or not it should be an integral part of SEO. (It should.)

The real question is, “Can SEO thrive without social media?”

To that, I firmly believe the answer is “No”. Not today, and not for as long as social media continues to play a role in shaping society. Until the great EMP hits, I don’t see social media losing its grip on how we live our lives. Which means, search engines will look for ways to incorporate certain social signals into their ranking algorithms. And rightly so. Social media, essentially, is the real-time pulse of what we like, dislike, love, and loath. It only makes sense that search engines want to measure this in order to make rankings more relevant for both the masses and each person individually.

Read more at http://www.searchenginejournal.com/social-media-changed-seo-business-cant-thrive-without/119658/

Illustrated Guide to Advanced On-Page Topic Targeting for SEO

The purpose of this post is to provide a simple framework for on-page topic targeting in a way that makes optimizing easy and scalable while producing richer content for your audience.

1. Keywords and relationships

2. Position, frequency, and distance

3. Links and supplemental content

4. Entities and semantic markup

5. Crafting the on-page framework

Source: http://moz.com/blog/on-page-topic-seo

18 Search Rankings & Engagement Factors You Can’t Ignore

Implement these 18 factors into your digital marketing plan and you will be on your way to top search rankings and quality visitor engagement.

1. Proper Title Tag Optimization
2. Descriptions Optimized For Click-Through-Rate
3. SEO Friendly URL Structure
4. Headings and Sub-Headings For Readability
5. Expand Beyond Just Text Posts
6. Avoid Keyword Stuffing
7. Image at The Top of Blog Posts
8. Write For Your Visitor—Not Google
9. Include External Links to Authority Sources
10. Interlink Blog Content
11. Target Long Tail Keywords—Don’t Focus on Search Volume
12. Have a Social Presence & Make it Easy to Find
13. Publish Frequent Content
14. Consider Explainer Videos
15. Focus on Quality Over Quantity
16. Encourage Comments
17. Avoid Re-Published Content
18. Build a Sitemap—Connect GWT and Analytics

Source: SEJ (Search Engine Journal)